Monday, December 23, 2013

2014 Goals...NOT Resolutions!

It’s that time of year where everyone starts thinking about their New Year’s Resolutions!  Well, I have decided that instead of making a list of unrealistic resolutions that I can’t keep – I am going to make a list of goals I can actually achieve. Yes, some of my goals feel unattainable and really scare me, but if I believe in myself enough – I know I can achieve them.  So, without further ado – here’s my list of goals for 2014:
  1. Run a Half Marathon:  ZOOMA Texas - April 12th 
  2. Wear a bikini without shorts on and feel comfortable
  3. Don't skip more than 2 days between workouts
  4. Get into a size 4 pair of jeans
  5. Eat clean by following my meal plan and allow myself one cheat meal per week
I know the list isn't long, but these are all things that I have wanted to do for a long time.  Let's be real...I will make mistakes, I will want to quit, and I will want to say oh screw it.  But, this year I am holding myself accountable - whatever it takes.  I WILL achieve my goals, and I will NOT quit!  No more excuses!  Life is too short to keep on getting in my own way, and I'm DONE. I know I have what it takes, and I know I can do this.  

What are your goals for 2014?  Are they realistic, do you believe you can achieve them?  Here's some tips to help you reach them:
  • Write it down and put it somewhere you will see it every single day.
  • Make yourself accountable to your friends and family by sharing your goals with them. 
  • Put it on your calendar.  Having a date associated with a goal makes it more real.
  • Make a plan.  If you have a huge goal, breaking it up into smaller daily goals will help you get there. 
  • Make a commitment to yourself.  
If you believe in yourself and have the determination - you can do anything!

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