Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Being 31

Wow, it's been a long time since I've written a blog post.  I haven't even thought about this blog in months, and it feels a little weird to actually want to be doing this right now.  It almost feels like this blog isn't even mine anymore, ha.  My coach asked me the other day if I've sat down and gotten all my feelings out lately, and this has been on my mind ever since.  

So, I've had a lot going on lately.  I turned 31 in March.  Which is weird.  How am I 31?  And why is it that when you turn 30 something, your news feed is suddenly filled with everyone popping out babies?  And why is it suddenly expected that you should be popping out babies too?  I don't get it.  Ever since I turned 30 last year, it's like this big fat cloud that follows me around.  It comes from people I know and people I don't know.  "Hi, I'm Kelli, how are you?" ... "Nice to meet you!  How many little ones do you have?".  I mean really?  Do I just have a sign on my forehead that says ASK ME ABOUT BABIES?  Or do I just look older now which means I'm a weirdo for not having a kid?  And do people just not think before asking such a personal question?  I mean, what if we couldn't have kids/don't want kids/had lost a kid, etc?  And why is it your business?  I just think it's weird for people to ask me this, and it's annoying to be honest.  Yes, I'm 31.  No, I don't have a kid.  Back.  Off.

I am, however, a business owner.  Which comes with so many responsibilities that I can't even begin to explain how it feels.  I am pursuing my passion, and I absolutely love it.  But that doesn't mean it's easy.  I do e v e r y t h i n g.  And I like it that way.  Cause I'm the boss, and I can do that.  :)  Yes, it's a challenge.  Yes, sometimes I think to myself "this would be a great job for an intern".  But at the end of the day, I like being able to pat myself on the back for a dang good job well done.  

Business has been growing like crazy lately...and I mean like, almost doubling every year.   With more business comes more responsibilities, and taxes.  Did I mention taxes?  Yeah, I hate them.  People don't realize that entrepreneurs have to pay sales taxes AND self-employment taxes.  And the more you make, the more you pay.  Yuck.   More business has also meant more inventory, and less space.  I'm seriously busting out of my studio.  Luckily, we will be moving in a few months, which means a bigger workspace.  Yes!  I also got tired of renting Uhauls every weekend.  I was renting so many that it didn't make sense anymore.  So, I decided to buy a van.  I have never bought a new vehicle, ever.  My husband and I both drive vehicles that are 2007 or older (this will be important to know later).  After looking online and talking to a few local dealerships, I found the van I wanted.  In Spring...which is about 3 hours away.  Whatever, it was the van I wanted so we went and got it.  I felt like hey, I'm adulting, this is weird but nice.  A few days later, I delivered my first wedding with the van.  I was in the process of tearing down (you know, the part where you go back like 5 hours after you set everything up, and take it all down).  I laid the key down on the ground.  I began working on tearing down.  I was ready to go, and reached for the key.  Which was no longer there.  I started looking around, thinking well maybe it just got kicked in the grass or something.  Nope.  Couldn't find it.  Had the planner ask around, and nobody had seen it.  Great.  I'm locked out of my van, with no spare key (since the dealer only gave me one), my phone and purse and everything else is inside the van, awesome.  I had to borrow a phone and call my insurance company to see if I could get someone to come out and unlock the van.  Apparently there are companies who come unlock things and can make a new key on the spot (I didn't know this).  So, that was my mission.  I spent the next few hours outside calling and waiting calling and waiting calling and waiting on locksmiths.  It was during this time that I learned that since my van was a 2014 model(which apparently anything past 2010 or older or something like that has computer programmed keys), it had a "special key".  A laser-cut, can only order it from the factory, which takes a week to arrive key.  COOL!  On top of that, the van has a super complicated security system, making it almost impossible to unlock without a key.  This was just the beginning of what turned into a week-long, almost $1000 process of getting my van back.  To top it all off, the dealership (3 hours away) made me drive back to them to resign the paperwork (because of their mistake).  I won't go into anymore detail because it's a very long story that nobody probably even cares about.  And thinking about the whole situation just brings back feelings of stress. So, let's just say that buying my first vehicle did not go like I  had imagined.

I also had no idea that cargo vans require insulation.  Because who thinks about insulating their vehicle?  Not me.  I figured this out after feeling the heat radiating off of the metal inside the van, thinking to my flowers are all going to die in here.  So, thus began the insulating process.  Which happened to be right in the middle of the week of my biggest wedding of the year so far.  So, I was getting up at 5, working out, coming home to my studio, and doing prep work for the wedding, then working in the van with Joel until it got dark at 8.  Every day.  As if that wasn't exhausting enough, the wedding itself was even more exhausting.  And it wouldn't even all fit in the van.  Ha.  It did go well though.  After that was over, I had a couple of days and then it was time for another big weekend.  3 weddings in 2 days.  The first two weddings started at the same time and were located an hour apart.  So that was fun.  They also both required tear-down.  Then, I got up and did another wedding the next day.  My hubs was right there by my side through it all (thank God), but man was it mentally and physically exhausting.  While all of this is going on, I've got emails coming in from new and current brides.  I also got sick, thanks pollen.  Oh, and our house ac hasn't been working.  Yall know how fun it is to sleep in a hot house with chigger bites?  Which has lead to me still having a van and a car full of semi-dead flowers and a bunch of wedding stuff.  Tired is an understatement.

So, with all of THAT going on...I'm also participating in a Fat Loss Challenge through the gym.  At the beginning, I was all pumped up about it.  I didn't want to sign up unless I was going to WIN!  And I had that mindset.  Until life just happened.  Weighing and tracking my food seemed like a waste of time when I had a crap ton of flowers I needed to get done.  So, quick and easy meals made more sense.  Problem is, those quick and easy meals were not usually healthy (ahem, pizza).  I started slacking on my food, which made me mad because I had a crazy tracking streak in My Fitness Pal of like 200+ days or something.  Now I have no streak.  I also started slacking on my workouts.  I used to go M-T like clockwork.  I started skipping Thursdays because I had SO much to do, and started skipping Mondays because I was whooped.  And my body was tired anyway from climbing ladders and lifting things.  Somehow through all of this, I have only gained 4 pounds.  I don't know how that's even possible.  But I'll take it I guess.  I've been back to the gym twice this week, but I can't seem to get motivated to care about food right now.  It's really annoying because I wanted to win this fat loss challenge (hello money), but I am feeling totally defeated.  Sucks.  

I was thinking yesterday morning though...when life gets crazy and you feel out of control, there is one thing you can control.  And that's how well you take care of yourself.  You can either let all the madness around you affect your self-care, or you can tell it all to hold on while you go do your thing.  So, I am currently working on that.  This weekend is my last weekend off before having 12 wedding weekends in a row.  12.  In a row.  I fully intend on using my birthday gift card to take a spa day at some point, cleaning out the fridge, and getting my head back on straight. 

So far, being 31 has been a little rough.  But it's also been pretty fun at times.  For me, being 31 means fearlessly being yourself.  Being 31 means being physically stronger than I've ever been, chasing my dreams, learning how to run a successful wedding business in the middle of Austin, loving the crap out of my husband, and doing the best I can.  Being 31 is embracing my imperfections, learning from my mistakes, and continually moving forward.  I may not be the typical 31 year old, but that's okay.  Cause I'm being myself!

Monday, September 12, 2016

The Adventures of Cruising :)

Whoa, I haven't written a blog in forever.  I just reread the one I wrote from January...and so much has changed since then.  If you haven't been following my day to day posts on Facebook, here's what's happened in a nutshell:  

-lost  25 lbs.
-decreased body fat
-more working out
-daily tracking food

Looking at this progress pic and thinking about everything that's happened this year makes my eyes water.  I was so dang unhappy on the left, and super self conscious.  After months of weighing and tracking all my food, and a bunch of working out...I haven't hit my goal yet - but I'm a heck of a lot closer!

So, the hubs and I booked a cruise last year for this year - 8/28-9/4/2016.  At the time we booked it, I knew that I had a ton of work ahead of me in order to get to a place where I just felt comfortable.  I had that unrealistic goal of getting into a tiny pair of shorts and losing like 70 pounds...which didn't happen.  What did happen was a transformation from the inside out.  I signed back up for boot camp, and then for nutrition coaching a few months later.  I took things one day at a time, and focused on doing my best every single day.  Slowly but surely, the fluff started to disappear.  It's not all gone, but a big hunk of it is!  The months flew by, and then it was time for our cruise.

I totally listened to tropical music for about two months, and ate a lot of pineapple, all with the mindset that the cruise was almost here.  Not gonna lie, I was really nervous about the trip.  I had already decided that I was not going to be connected to the internet in any way, and that I didn't want to mess with logging my food that week.  So, I was scared that I was going to go nuts and just eat everything.   If there's one thing a cruise ship doesn't lack, it's food.  I'm talking pizza, ice cream, all you can eat buffets all the time, and so much more.  Food.  For.  Miles!  So, I had a semi-gameplan with the food:  focus on grabbing whole foods, avoid fried things, and don't eat a lot of sweets.  I wasn't perfect with this plan, but I didn't go crazy like I thought I would.  I stopped eating when I was satisfied, and I kept a stash of protein powder in the room to help me with cravings.  :)  That totally sounds weird to say.  If you had asked me a year ago what snacks I would bring for the room....I would've said cheez-its.  Now it's protein powder.  Transformation I tell you.

Anyway, aside from being pretty controlled with what I ate, I also managed to be pretty active.  The ship had a gym, which was really nice!
 We went to the gym together twice, which felt amazing.  It's so cool to be able to look out the windows over the ocean while you're doing squats.  Haha.  I stuck to the free weights, along with lots and lots of burpees.  Doing walking lunges was pretty funny due to the ship swaying.  :)  I tried to stick to upper body exercises because my legs had plenty of walking to do, so I didn't want to get too sore!

Speaking of walking...did I mention that there is lots of walking?  Yep.  Lots of walking.  :)  

We booked some really fun excursions on our trip...things that I wouldn't have wanted to do a year ago...

 The first stop was Montego Bay, Jamaica.  We had a big day ahead with ziplining through the jungle.  After coating myself in bugspray and putting on all the gear, I was ready to roll.

 I know, total nerd.  Hehe.  So, we were split up into groups of about 12, and we took off walking.  We hiked up hills and lots of stairs...which made me really grateful for boot camp.  Stairs and hills?  No problem, let's go!  

I had never ziplined before, so it was slightly frightening...but so fun!  I would definitely do this again!

Our next stop was in the Cayman Islands, and we had a segway tour/beach time planned.  We were in a small group of 7 people, and we all went to the segway office together in a tiny van.  Then, we had to put on all the gear and watch a training video, then go practice on the segways.  We took off down the streets of Grand Cayman, and ended up riding along 7 Mile Beach.  Then, we got to spend some time just chillin at the beach...such a fun day!!

Our last stop was Cozumel, which I was looking forward to the most.  We had a big day planned:  snorkeling with sea turtles, and snorkeling in underground caves.  Once the ship docked, we got off and got onto a ferry, which took us over to the mainland.  We were in a tiny van with 12 people this time, some of which were yankees (I'll get back to them later).  So, we rode to a beach where we snorkeled in the ocean for a bit and got to see a few turtles, which was really cool.  Then we headed to our next stop which was underground natural cenotes.  The water was cold and crystal neat!  After that, we stopped to eat and shop for a bit.  The tour guide gave us specific instructions on when and where to meet so we could all ride back to the ferry, and make it back to the ship on time before it left.  We all managed to meet on time, except for the yankees.  We were all sitting in the van, looking for them, getting slightly panicked with each minute that passed.  If we didn't make it back to the ferry in time, that meant we wouldn't make it back to the ship in time, which meant that we would all be stuck in Mexico while our cruise left without us.  Talk about stressful!!!!!!  Anyway, they finally made it back after being 20 minutes late, and we got back on the ship.  Phew!

Other than stopping at three places, we just had a ton of fun on the much to do!  Here's a few pics...and selfies:)
After we got back from the trip, I was sure that I had gained 10 pounds, but I ended up losing .8.  Crazy.  I guess all those naps and low levels of stress paid off!!     

This vacation was much needed, and so much fun!  I am now suffering from PCD (post cruise depression) and a severe lack of desire for Adulting.  :)  

...So, big lesson I learned on this trip...

There is no finish line to being healthy/fit.  It's a lifestyle, a day in/day out thing.  You can go on vacation and have fun without sabotaging yourself and your results.  It's okay to not be perfect while out of your normal routine.  Live a little.  Work smart.  Have fun.  Nap hard.

Can't wait till the next big adventure!!!! :)



Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Rock Bottom

Hi world.  It's been forever since my last blog post, and forever since I've done a lot of things I used to do.  So here I sit, in a comfy chair in the corner of Starbucks, ready to spill out a flood of emotions.  Why?  Cause I want to. 

For those of you that have been following me for the past few years, thanks for stickin around.  For those of you who don't know me, welcome to my roller coaster.  :)  

I believe that everything happens in life exactly when it's supposed to.  Just like the culmination of events that has made me realize today that I have officially hit rock bottom.  Not in life altogether, but in regards to my health.  I started noticing a few months ago that I had really let myself go.  I have been in complete denial.  When you sit on the floor and bend over to tie your shoes and think, "Whoa, where did that gut come from??"...that's a hint that you need to wake up.  A gut doesn't grow overnight, just like gaining a crapton of weight doesn't happen overnight.  

Somewhere along the way, I stopped weighing myself.  I also stopped looking in my full-length mirror.  I stopped caring about me.

I went on a hike with my husband and dad a couple of days ago.  I had every intention of it being a leisurely stroll in the wilderness, but that isn't what happened.  We hiked over 5 miles.  I. Was. Dying.  When we got to the top, the view was incredible.  My husband wanted to take a picture of me, and I kept refusing but he insisted.  So, I slapped on a fake smile and stood there.  I couldn't understand why he wanted to take a picture of me and my gross self.  As we started heading back, I noticed that I was having pains.  My knees, hips, and lower back were killing me.  I had a scratch on my arm from a tree.  I felt like crap, not only physically but on the inside too.  I realized in that moment that I had let myself get out of control.  I wanted to cry.  See - I used to be a firecracker, I could do anything.  Not now.  Now I'm like a dadgum blob with absolutely no self esteem.  I've gotten really good at faking confidence, but the truth is...I have zip. 

I never imagined that starting a business almost 2 years ago would change so many aspects of my life.  I can honestly say that 2014 and 2015 feel like one big blur.  I'm not even ready for it to be January.  My Christmas tree is still up yall, and yes - I still plug the lights in at night.  I've noticed that instead of me running my business, it has been running me.  My phone is dinging constantly with notifications...emails, social media, texts, calls...demanding my attention.  I went from working 40 hours a week to working non-stop and endless hours.  I'm very thankful that my business has grown so quickly, don't get me wrong...but being at everyone's beckon call constantly has worn me smooth out.  If you're always taking care of everyone and everything else, how are you supposed to take care of yourself?  Catch my drift?

So, for my own purposes of looking back on this blog one day for motivation, here's a list of things I'm tired of:

  • wearing the same clothes all the time because nothing else fits...but not wanting to buy anything new because I have a closet full of things I want to get back into one day
  • getting out of breath from hardly doing anything
  • having pain from bending over to tie my shoes
  • feeling insecure over stupid things
  • not wanting to be in pictures 
  • not being able to fit in the bathtub quite like I used to
  • feeling like I'm boring because I don't want to to as many active things as I used to
  • my bra cutting into my back and doubling my amount of existing rolls
  • hiding on the couch
  • not liking my reflection
Here's the thing.  I'm not willing to spend another minute feeling like this, and honestly - I don't have time to.  I'm turning 30 this year.  I'm going on a cruise at the end of August, and I refuse to spend it hiding behind a layer of fat.  Also, I want to do more fun things with my husband this summer - things that I can't do at my current weight.  I can't keep waiting for life to slow down so I can start up again, because it never will.  

I'm approaching this with a different mindset this time.  I'm choosing to keep it simple and stop expecting perfection out of myself.  I'm going to change my eating habits and move more.  I'm going to make taking care of myself a priority again.  That's it!

So, tomorrow is Day 1.  Day 1 of digging myself out of this hole I ate myself into.  Day 1 of getting my confidence back.  Day 1 of becoming the person I want and deserve to be.  I'm starting over for the last time.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

My Latest Adventures

Wow, it's been a long time since I've written a blog post!  Have I mentioned that my life has been nuts this entire year?  I keep waiting on things to slow down, but they don't! 

A few weeks ago, I took the opportunity to go on a trip to Las Vegas with my Dad.  He just so happened to have a business seminar the same week of a business seminar that I wanted to attend, so I went with him!  It was my first trip to Vegas, and I can sum it up in one word...whoa.  I'm a small town girl, and from the minute I stepped into that Vegas airport and saw slot machines...I knew I was I for a whoooole new experience.  There were flashing lights, slot machines, people, and just STUFF everywhere.  I felt like a country bumpkin done come to town yall, lol.  I had to ride in taxis by myself, which was a little scary...cause you have to trust that those dudes are going to take you where you want to go, and the rides are expensive!  It was an awesome week though.  I attended the Wedding MBA Convention, and I learned a ton on how to run my business successfully.  I met people from all over, and was so inspired!!  It was a bit challenging trying to keep up with emails and quotes during the week, and I spent each night staying up late drawing sketches for my brides.  My Dad and I walked the strip almost every night, just going to different restaurants and seeing new things.  We went to a Cirque de Soleil show...which was awesome!!  All in all, it was a great week...and I really enjoyed spending time with Dad.  It flew by, and when we arrived back in Austin...I stepped into the airport and smelled BBQ, and breathed a sigh of relief!  Nothing feels more like home than the smell of good ole Texas BBQ!

The next day was spent getting ready for a vacation with my hubs.  Then, we headed to Galveston at 5am to go get on our cruise!  We hadn't been on a vacation with just the two of us since our honeymoon, and it's been almost 5 years it was long overdue and much needed.  We had a blast!!  In fact, we had so much fun that we booked another one for next year as soon as we got home.  :) 

In the midst of all the travelling, I was able to finish a book I had started a while ago called You're Already Amazing.  It was such a good read, and a great reminder of lots of things.  I highlighted words all over the book, but one phrase in particular really stood out to me:

Time is a relentless river.  It rages on, a respecter of no one.  And this, this is the only way to slow time:  When I fully enter time's swift current, enter into the current moment with the weight of all my attention.  I slow the torrent with the weight of me all here.  I can slow the torrent by being all here.  I only live the full life when I fully live in the moment.

So true, right?  It's so easy to get caught up in the busyness of our everyday lives that we forget to focus on the NOW.  This is a huge struggle for me because I have a million things going on in my head all the time, that I forget to focus on what's right in front of me.  Being on vacation really made me realize that I need to work on that.  Instead of worrying about business emails, trying to stay caught up on social media, and staying busy...I turned my phone off, put it in the room's safe, and didn't touch it until we docked in Galveston a week later.  Can I just was amazing.  I was actually able to relax, able to breathe, and able to think clearly about one thing at a time. 

While our cruise was absolutely amazing, I couldn't help but think about my weight loss/gain journey quite a bit.  For those of you that don't know - I actually met my husband on a cruise.  So, cruises are really special to us.  When we met, I was wearing sundresses, bikinis, shorts, and all that cruisey type stuff with no problem!  This cruise was much different...I was extremely uncomfortable with myself, physically.  I couldn't wear a sundress without my legs rubbing together so much when I walked that it hurt.  I couldn't wear a bikini without shorts.  I didn't want to do lots of things simply out of being uncomfortable.  I actually cried when we got to Cozumel because the only thing I felt comfortable wearing was stupid yoga pants and a tshirt.  My husband was right there for me, and he told me to just wear whatever the heck I wanted and stop trying to impress anybody.  So, that's what I did for the rest of the week.  Makeup became way less important, as did what I was wearing.  I just let loose.  I managed to have a great time, all thanks to a husband who loves me for me. 

So, instead of beating myself up and having a pity party about the weight I have gained this year...I'm choosing to do something about it.  I cleaned out the fridge and pantry last week, and stocked up on healthy foods. I started tracking my food in My Fitness Pal again.  I have worked out.  I'm taking baby steps.  I came back from the trip fired up to lose this dang weight once and for all, and my motivation has already started to dissipate thanks to old habits.  Luckily, I caught wind of a Fat Loss Challenge...and I am weighing in tomorrow!  I think this is a perfect time for me to join a challenge, and it will definitely give me a good kickstart to losing this layer of fluff.  Tomorrow is when things get serious with this.  I'm sick and tired of saying it, it's time to just do it.

I know I've said a million times that I'm ready to lose the weight, but being on that cruise and not being comfortable sealed the deal for me.  I've already got my countdown going and a goal outfit pinned to the wall in our bedroom....see :)

Those shorts and that shirt look really small to me and impossible to fit into...but I'm giving myself almost a whole year to get there!  Big goals are accomplished by small goals, right?  So, I have broken it down into phases, with each phase being 81 days:

Phase 1 End Date: 12/27/15
• Goal: lose 20 pounds

Phase 2 End Date:  3/17/16
• Goal:  lose 15 pounds

Phase 3 End Date:  6/6/16
• Goal:  lose 15 pounds

Phase 4 End Date:  8/26/16
• Goal:  lose 10 pounds

When I was at my personal best, I weighed 148 pounds.  I was lean, strong, and had muscles.  I want to feel like that again, but I'm taking it a step further and shooting to be 140 pounds.  Along with watching that number, I will be taking measurements, keeping up with body fat testing, and taking progress pics along the way.

I don't want to be skinny, I want to be a lean mean machine!  :)  I'm going to be working towards increasing my muscle mass while dropping body fat.  If you are following along and have read this far, I'm going to ask you to do me a favor...PLEASE encourage me along the way!!!  :) 

I'm getting off of my safe harbor and sailing out on a whole new adventure in the morning, it's time to take care of myself again...


Sunday, August 16, 2015

I'm Baaaaack!!!

About a month ago, I decided to take a step back from my "fluff page" and blogging.  I was in the midst of making a life-changing decision, and I was caught in a cycle of crazy stress.  I quit my day job, I was adjusting to being a full-time entrepreneur, and trying to find myself again. 
Instead of taking care of myself in the months prior to me quitting my job, all I did was turn to food to solve my problems.  Food became a crutch for me, and a source of comfort...when ultimately, all it was doing was hurting me.  I felt stuck, stuck between flying and a fear of failure.  I knew in my gut what I needed to do, was scared out of my mind...and did it anyway.  I can honestly say that leaving my job was one of the best decisions I have ever made. 
In the weeks since I left my job, my life has changed for the better.  Instead of just surviving, I decided that I wanted to start LIVING again. 

I decided to go back to boot camp at
Plates on Plates Fitness.  I decided to mend my relationship with food.  I decided to stop drinking as much.  I decided to stop letting little things stress me out.  I decided to stop making decisions out of fear.  I decided to stop worrying about what everyone else thinks.  I decided to become a better person.  I decided to thrive.
My mom sent me a video one day on Facebook, and I have watched it every day since.  I can't watch it without tears coming to my eyes because it pretty much describes me and where I'm at in life right now.  It's about 6 minutes long, but totally worth watching.

You see, I'm done putting my dreams on hold.  I'm done with living in fear of failure.  I know my passion, my goals, and what I want. 

I can.  I can.  I CAN!

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Taking a Leap of Faith

Let me just start off by saying that this post is a big deal to me, and it feels amazing to get all of this off my chest.  :)  Blogging has become a therapy of sorts for me, I don't know what the reason why is, but it works.

So, I've got lots going on in my little world right now.  My life has been pretty crazy since January.  My emotions have been all over the place, and my daily routine went out the window.  I started my job as a government employee in March of 2013...working 8-5, M-F, as an Administrative Associate.  It provided stability, an opportunity to have a steady routine, benefits, and a dependable paycheck.  I made some friends that will most likely be around forever, learned a lot about myself, and grew both professionally and personally.  Since I knew my routine, I knew I could add in a workout routine.  So I did.  I went to bootcamp after work about 4 days a week, and on Saturdays.  I lost a lot of weight, gained a lot of muscle, and changed from the inside out.  Pretty soon, I started getting an empty feeling - like something wasn't being fulfilled, I just didn't know what.  

I had a conversation with my Dad one day that changed everything.  We were at my sister's house, painting the nursery for her second kiddo, and we were talking about my passion as a floral designer.  You see, I went through 4 years of college at Texas A&M (who8p!) and graduated with a Bachelor's Degree in Horticulture, with a Minor in Business.  My lifelong dream has been to be an entrepreneur, owning and operating my own floral design studio specializing in weddings and events.  I have half-heartedly tried several times, but never really believed in myself enough to do it.  While painting that day, my Dad said, "What are you waiting for?".  I didn't have an answer.  A few months later, I was applying for a sales tax ID, brainstorming business names, looking at websites, and taking the steps to start a business.  And I did.  My husband and I had a mason jar that we had been putting money into to save up for having a baby, and we decided that I should use that money to start a business instead.  So, we bought a portable building that would become my studio, business cards, a website, and a few other essentials.  I signed up for my first Bridal Extravaganza a few months later, and had my very first booth in September to help kick things off.  I asked a dear friend from boot camp to come help me work the booth, and it was so incredibly fun!  I started getting phone calls, emails started flooding in, and business started to pick up.  Pretty soon, I was booking weddings left and right, working on quotes and design sketches, and meeting new people.  It was so exciting!!!  I couldn't believe that people actually wanted ME, little old me, to do their flowers on their wedding days.  Crazy.  

As business grew from a part-time job to a full-time job, all of my spare time started growing thin.  I stopped working out because when I got off of work, I had to go home and work on quotes and get caught up on emails.  My weekends weren't for relaxing and having fun any more, they were for working and weddings.  I started getting stressed out...really stressed out.  So, I started eating...and drinking.  I stopped taking care of myself.  Business continued to thrive, but I was becoming someone I didn't like.  Constantly stressed, irritable, and exhausted.  I gained almost 50 pounds, lost my sense of confidence, and myself.  Going to work full-time in an administrative position on top of running my business became TOO MUCH.  I knew something had to give.  So, I started thinking...what if I quit my full-time job?

Whenever I would think about leaving my full-time job, it scared me - so I would brush it off.  Then people started asking me, "so, when are you going to quit your job and just run your business?".  I'd just tell them I didn't know, because I didn't.  The thought of leaving that steady paycheck, the retirement, the benefits, and the sense of security was not something I thought was actually possible.  But things kept happening.  Emails started flooding in more than ever, brides kept booking right when I was beginning to doubt myself, photographers kept asking me to participate in photoshoots, and I kept noticing signs while out and about that said things like "Life is short. Do what you love.".  The burden of working two full-time jobs started to weigh heavily on me more than ever.  I tried to ignore the thought of leaving my government job, but I just couldn't ignore it any longer.  I needed a plan, a strategy to escape the concrete castle, a way to get out from behind that desk.  I reached out to a dear friend and mentor of mine, Karen, the owner of Blonde Faith Salon.  For some reason, she had been on my mind so I sent her a message asking for business advice.  A few days later, my husband and I were at a nice restaurant with her and her husband...discussing my business.  It was lifechanging.  We put everything on paper, looked at the numbers, how my time was being spent, the potential, and all of the possibilities.  They both asked me, "What is it that you're afraid of?".  Really, I was afraid of losing the steady paycheck.  But, after looking at how my time was being spent and seeing how leaving my government job would give me 40 more hours a week to work on my business and potentially double my mind was made up.  I knew what I had to do. 

I woke up the next morning feeling invigorated.  It was like the clouds had parted, and I could SEE.  

After lots of prayer and thoroughly discussing everything with my husband, my parents, and a few close friends - I wrote my resignation letter.  I knew it was going to be difficult to submit, but it needed to happen.  So, I went to my supervisor's office, closed the door, and the first thing she said was, "you're not quitting."  We talked for a long time over the next few days, discussing things like pay, my schedule, and everything I was risking.  I talked with my boss as well, discussing the same things.  It was a rough few days.  I ate a lot.  I drank.  I cried.  I was sad.  After thinking about it all just ONE more time, I knew what I was doing was right.  So, I let them know that I was going to continue with my resignation.  I will be working as a government employee until July 31.  Then, I will be free.

Free to fly.  Free to grow.  Free to do whatever the heck I want to do.  The thought of waking up when I choose, making my own schedule, and working when I feel like it is exciting and scary all at once.  It's exciting because the possibilities are endless, but scary because I know myself and my habits.  I will be at home, alone, a lot more.  I will be tempted to sleep in, eat junk, lounge on the couch, and be lazy.  On the flip-side...what's awesome is that I will have control of my schedule.  

If I want to go workout for 2 hours every day, I can.  This is my time.  My time to grow, time to learn, time to LIVE.  You'd better believe that I will be putting myself back together, piece by piece, and becoming a better and stronger person not only for myself but for my husband, family, and clients.  It's going to take a lot of self-discipline to work from home, but I can do it.  I believe in myself.  Over the next few weeks, I am going to be rearranging some furniture, getting organized, and turning our spare bedroom into an office.  

While there are several huge risks involved in taking this step, I know in my heart that I am doing what God wants me to do.  Too many things have happened leading up to this that can only be explained by Him.  This is completely out of my comfort zone and although I'm scared out of my mind about lots of things, I keep waking up in the mornings excited...about the limitless possibilities and the adventure I am about to embark on!!!  No, I don't have all the answers, but the man upstairs does.  I know it won't be sunshine and rainbows all the time, and I know I've got some obstacles ahead.  I also know that I've got an amazing support system. 

So I am taking a huge leap of faith, and I'm looking forward to the next chapter of life!  Wish me luck!  Oh, and if you want to see what I do - click here

PS - if there are any angel investors out's my email: ...just sayin ;)

Monday, June 29, 2015


Soooo guess what I did?  I signed up to be a Distributor with AdvoCare.  *insert eye roll*  I know what you're thinking..."great, now she's going to be inviting me to stupid parties and trying to make me buy crap".  False.  I have totally "been there, done that" with other companies like Mary Kay and Scentsy (no offense to those out there who are a part of either of these).  There are people who have been wildly successful being sales people with those companies, and that's great.  I'm not one of them.  I'm not into the whole pyramid scheme stuff. 
I didn't sign up so I could be a pushy sales person and shove stuff in people's faces.  I have two jobs already, I don't want another one. 

I signed up for a few reasons:

1.  I've heard great things about the products.
2.  I want to experiment with new supplements.
3.  I can get a 20% discount on everything.

That's all.  

I just got my first two boxes of stuff in over the weekend, and I haven't tried anything yet.  If I like what I use, I will be posting reviews and pics as I go! 
