Thursday, January 2, 2014

The Dreaded Drive Through

As I was out running errands around town today, I passed by lots of my favorite fast food places.  Except things were different this mouth didn’t water, and I didn’t even feel the urge to stop.  It got me thinking, and now I feel like I need to share my thoughts and what I’ve learned about fast food!  To make it short and sweet: STAY AWAY!  If you want to know why, continue on...

I have always had a toxic relationship with fast food.  When I need something to eat and don’t have any food with me, when I need an afternoon pick-me-up, when I’m having a bad day, when I’m bored, when I need an escape...those drive-through windows never fail!  I love me some Sonic cheese sticks, Arby’s curly fries, Taco Bell crunchy tacos, KFC mashed potato bowls – I could go on and on...  

The point is – fast food is HORRIBLE for you!  Yes, it is very convenient and makes eating on the go much easier, but fast food is one of the biggest contributors to me getting fluffy.  At the time it’s so tasty, but feel like crap.  Have you ever noticed that when you eat fast food, you are sluggish, have no energy, and feel a little sad?  That’s because fast food is packed full of preservatives, highly processed, and lacks any real nutritional value.  Here’s a list of reasons you should stay away from those dreaded drive-throughs:

·         Calorie Overload!  Did you know that a Whopper Sandwich Meal from Burger King contains at least 1510 calories?  I mean, that’s almost your whole day of calories in one meal...not good! 

·         Too much FAT!  You know that Whopper has 57 grams of fat.  It’s not called a “99 cent heart attack” for no reason.  All that fried junk will clog your arteries.

·        It can make you get Addicted and Depressed!  Seriously yall...according to research, people who eat fast food regularly are 51% more likely to develop depression.

Do yourself a favor - stay away from fast food!!  Your body will thank you, and you will feel much better about yourself for being strong enough to make a better option.  Plan ahead, be prepared, and stay strong!  I hope the next time you see those golden arches you will think twice!

"The food you eat can be either the safest and most powerful form of medicine or the slowest form of poison."

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