What kind of sports bra do you wear?
Panache.  It's the best one I have found yet, and you can convert it to a racerback.

How many calories a day do you eat?
This number changes as my weight fluctuates, but I am currently eating around between 1700-1800 calories a day.  

How do you always prep your meals for each week?
I don't prep all of my meals anymore.  I just cook up a few simple grab n' go 

How do you always look cute in your post-workout pics?
Umm...I'm going to credit this to my iPhone taking fuzzy shots that don't always show the sweat dripping off my chin and mascara running down my cheeks.  Instagram filters also help.

How do you stay so motivated all the time?
I've learned something very important:  Life is Short.  I only get one chance to live the life I've imagined and to be the person I want to be, so I work on it.  Every single day.

What kind of protein powder do you use?
Biotrust.  It's the bomb dot com.  All-Natural with no artificial flavors, sweeteners, preservatives, or any of that stuff.  Low in sugar and carbs, high in protein.  Yum!

How often do you work out?
I aim for at least 3 days a week, right after work.  It lasts about 50 minutes and is a challenge every time. 

Do you have any kids?
Just one, named Bailey (a.k.a. Little Bailey, Bailo, Bailey Anne, and Miss Bailey).  She is covered in fur and likes to bark at the squirrels outside.  

Are you ever going to have kids?
Yes.  Whenever I'm ready.  :)

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