Friday, March 21, 2014

Git R Done!

When's the last time you did something that scared you?  Are you the type of person who sits back and lets life go by, or do you take the bull by the horns?  Do you feel like you are missing out on accomplishing things because you are afraid of failure?

I would like to sit here and say that I have always been a "git er dun" type of person, but I haven't been...until now!  I have gone after things to a certain extent in the past, but not like I do now.  When I want something, I GO FOR IT.  Sometimes the ideas I come up with in my head scare the everlovin heck outta me, so I try to push them to the side and forget them...but they always come back.  When I wake myself up in the middle of the night thinking about it, then I just have to pursue it.  Like running a half-marathon.  Why in the world did I up and decide that I needed to sign up for one of those?  The thought of running 13.1 miles scares me, for real.  But, I have faith that I can do it.  I have gone from not being able to run a mile a year ago, to running two 5k's, and now I am up to 9 miles on the weekend.  So, I WILL do it! 22 days, not that I'm counting.  :)

I am also in the process of pursuing a HUGE dream of mine that I have had for YEARS!  No, I am still not telling yet - you'll just have to wait and see!  What I will tell you is that it involves me starting my own business, and it's not related to health and fitness.  What scares me most is that I don't know what the outcome will be...will it be successful or will it just crash and burn?  I have no idea, but what I DO know is that I haven't stopped thinking about it in years, I have the knowledge, the guts, and the determination.  The only way I will ever know if I can do this is to try.  I actually met with someone today to talk business with me, and she said, "If you can run a half-marathon, then you can do this.  It shows that you have the discipline to put one foot in front of the other." <----Totally made my day!

Big dreams start small.  Just like my journey of getting healthy and fit.  My success with where I am today is all due to baby steps, patience, and determination.  Losing fluff doesn't happen overnight and neither does getting in shape.  If you think you can and believe in yourself, you are halfway there.

Don't spend your life wishing things were different and daydreaming about how life could be, if you want something...

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