Friday, May 16, 2014

Get Out of Your Comfort Zone

Yesterday was a crazy day for me!  I have been "doing flowers" for years, and I finally decided to venture out on my own and start a business on the side.  My first little event was last night, where I provided the centerpieces for the Austin Wedding Guide magazine launch party.  The day before, half of my flower shipment arrived (minor freak-out) because the truck coming from the grower was running late.  So, the other half of my order had to be delivered yesterday morning.  I was sitting in my office at work with flowers in buckets all morning.  Once it was time for my lunch break, I just closed my door and whipped those centerpieces together on the fly!  I got them all done and ready for delivery, then I waited until it was time to go.  My husband came to meet me at work, and we left together.  He helped me set up everything at the event, and before I knew it the room was filled with people!  ........Just a little insight to how I operate - I know it may not seem like it online, but I am VERY shy in person.  It takes me longer than usual to open up to new people and feel comfortable.  I have a tendency to be very quiet and just watch people to try and figure them out before I talk too much.  So, being in that room was extremely intimidating to me!  I was so glad my hubs was with me because I might have just hid in the bathroom the whole time.  At one point, I looked around the room and thought...what did I get myself into?!?!  All of these people in here are pro's at what they do, have been around for years, and then there's me!  Austin is NOT a small town yall, so competition in the industry is fierce!!  I remember telling my hubs something that my Dad has been telling me my whole life:

"Sometimes you have to do things you don't want to do to get where you want to be."

We noticed that they had put out some food, so we decided to go get some and grab a seat.  I think that was the best decision we made all night because a lady came and sat next to me and just started talking to me, and I ended up walking around the room shaking hands, introducing myself, trading business cards, and carrying on conversations for a good hour and a half or so.  WHAT!  Everyone was friendly, wanted to know more about me, and offered me tips on how to get started.  When I was done chit-chattin, I found my hubs and we went over to the pool table to take a breather.  I couldn't believe that I had actually gotten up and talked to so many people!  Here's a snapshot of the room so you can get a better idea... does this relate to health and fitness?  Well, it's all about getting out of your comfort zone.  That must have been the lesson I was supposed to learn this week because my coach sent out an email about it, and I focused on it all week.  From the laps and burpees at boot camp, to the event last night.  It may not seem like a big deal to some of yall, but I am really dang proud of myself for talking to all those new people.   I didn't think I could do it, I didn't really want to, and I was scared...but I DID it anyway!

What things do you want to do but are too scared to because they will make you feel uncomfortable?  Is it those pull-ups in boot camp?  What about running laps in the parking lot?  Is it eating foods you've never had?

Whatever it is...All you have to do is TRY.  Put your mind to it, quit worrying about everything else around you and what people will think, and just TRY IT!  Once you try, chances are you will succeed!  Heck, you might even surprise yourself!
"Decide that you want it more than you are afraid of it." Step out of comfort zone, take chances, make mistakes, and go for your dreams :)



  1. So inspirational! I have my workouts down for the most part (I love pushing myself), but I'm closeted in other parts of my life. Great reminder that I should diffuse my workout spirit to other avenues. If I can push myself to deadlift and squat more, then I should be able to get out of my comfort zone to talk to people.

    1. Oh my gosh, I just saw this comment! Yes, I have found that fitness plays a huge role in my confidence level in ALL areas of life. There's just something to be said about pushing yourself past your limits while drenched in sweat! If you believe in yourself, you can do ANYTHING!

  2. I've just stumbled on your blog a few weeks ago and it's great to see someone in a similar boat as me. I have lost about 15 lbs towards my goal of losing about 30 and have been at a bit of a plateau for a few weeks. I often have anxiety about doing something new or reaching out for help at work. i often find that once I just do it, it didnt seem like such a big deal to begin with. It's getting the courage to just do it. I didnt realize that you were in the wedding biz in Austin. I am planning my wedding in Austin this November and would love some advice with flowers if you'd be interested.
    aliterofsoda at gmail dot com

    1. I am so sorry I just now saw this comment! Things have been so crazy lately that I haven't had a lot of time to write blog posts! Congratulations on your weight loss success - that is awesome! I feel you on the being afraid of trying new things and asking for help - I'm the same way. But I have found that being transparent with myself, my friends, and my coach has helped me tremendously. Asking for help and trying new things doesn't mean you are weak, it means you are brave! :) I will shoot you an email regarding your flowers shortly! Thanks for your support!!
