Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Let's Get Started!

This is my FIRST Blog post ever!  Bear with me yall!  The idea to start this blog was given to me by one of my best friends/coach/trainer lady, Kristina Kaderli.  She has been the light in the darkness in this crazy world of FOOD that we live in, and after learning everything she has taught me - I feel that it's only fair to share it with everyone I can so they can benefit from it too!  So, this blog is going to be dedicated mostly to the what, why, when, and how of my eating habits.  

Here's a little bit about how I got started (most of yall know this already, but for those of you who don't, this is for you)....In February of this year, I had a wake up call.  I lost a dear friend and one of my grandparents unexpectedly.  I had always known that life was short, but it took me losing people I loved for it to hit home.  No longer did I want to switch cheeks on the couch, no longer did I want to be uncomfortable in my own skin, and no longer did I want to sit back and say "I wish."  I wanted a change, so that's exactly what I did.  I found a Groupon for Synergy Fitness, and I started going to boot camp.  My first day was horrible because I was so out of shape, and I thought I might have lost it there for a second for wanting to do all those crazy workouts!  But I kept after it and actually started to enjoy going.  One night, my coach at the time, Eugene, called me...and he wanted to talk about FOOD of all things!  He asked me what I ate for supper, and I felt a rush of terror come over me as I said, "Pizza." He recommended that I get a meal plan from Kristina, and that's exactly what I did.  Best 20 bucks I ever spent!!  She taught me a completely new way to eat, and guess what...that fat started just melting off, and that's when I really started to change!

Since I started my journey to get healthy in February, I have...won a fat loss challenge, ran two 5k's, and cut my pants size in half!  

I want yall to know that it has NOT been easy, there have been times I want to quit (and have for about a month), and there have been lots of challenges and struggles.  I plan on posting here a few times a month not only to show yall some awesome tips on how to be successful in the kitchen but also to keep myself accountable.  Here's to keepin it real yall!!  :)

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