Friday, May 29, 2015

Just Do YOU!

This year has not been all rainbows and happy times like I had planned, in fact - it's probably been one of my most difficult years yet.  There have been tons of ups and downs, lots of huge changes, and some dark and lonely moments.  I was on the phone with my Dad a few days ago, talking about the crazy lady in my previous post (update on that below) and he said something that stuck with me, "Don't ever waste a crisis."  At the time, I was like yeah yeah...use the rough times as a learning experience, blah blah...but the more I thought about it, the more I realized something huge...

I need to get back to just being me and doing my own thing.  

It's in my nature to be a people-pleaser and want everyone to like me.  I don't like conflict.  I don't like it when people are mad at me.  I don't like it when people are disappointed in me.  I don't like it when people try to change me.  But you know what??  I'm friggin' tired of trying to please EVERYone.  I've learned the hard way that there are folks out there that just aren't going to like me or the decisions I make.  There are people who are going to try and knock the wind out of my sails and make me feel incapable of pursuing things.  Unfortunately, that's just a part of life.  I've accepted it.  Now, I'm going to get back to doing what's best for me.  If somebody doesn't like me, the way I do things, or how I act...sorry, have a nice day somewhere else!  

I have gotten SO wrapped up in worrying about everyone else's opinion of me that I have lost my edge.  You can't base how you feel about yourself off of other people's opinions of you, or you will drive yourself crazy.  Opinions are just opinions anyway, not facts.  Life is too short to be so dang worried about other people.  All you can do is be yourself, do your thing, and forget the rest.  

That being said, guess who's upping the intensity of her routine?  This girl. 

I'm going to make time for going to the weight room again, increase the weight I'm using during my morning workouts, and add in more cardio.  In 114 days, I will be stepping on a ship to sail away into the Caribbean with my man (first vacation alone in years), and you can bet your bikini that I'm not spending an entire trip uncomfortable in my own skin!  It's overwhelming to think of how much work I've got to do to get this fluff off, but I'm not going to let it scare me.  I've lost this crap before and I can do it again.  Just one day at a time...


For those of you that are wondering what ever happened with crazy face in my last post...she ended up being able to take $2900 away from me.  100% BS?  Yep.  Could I take her to court and fight to get it back?  Yes.  Is it worth the lawyer fees, my time, and the energy?  I don't think so.  Is this the end of it?  I sure as heck hope so. 


  1. I agree!! It sucks! Definitely not an easy hit to take when you're getting your business off the ground.

  2. I am so,sorry about your "crazy lady" situation! My husband and I own our own business and can totally relate! I hope you put it.behind you and get back to business. Sounds like you do some beautiful flowers.
